Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Women Aren't Meant To Be Tamed

Sorry for the temporary hiatus, but home at last in New York City, and it is HOT. It has been so good seeing old friends, eating at old restaurants, and just walking the streets of Manhattan where I know it's always crowded and something is always going on.

I've started my internship at the record label United For Opportunity and I'm getting into the swing of being home. Tonight I'm going to dinner with the ladies at Vespa, of course, and then seeing the midnight showing of Sex And The City 2. (I hate to say it but I don't have very high expectations...)

"It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes-- that's why sometimes you need really special shoes!"-Carrie


P.S. they took Photoshop to a whole new level

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